Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You are the ghost in the back of my head

This is for you, my dear friend, for leaving the earth too soon. You believed in God where else I didn't. But whichever God you believed in, I hope you're with Him now, happy, and understanding that He took you away from us for a better reason. 

It hurt that I no longer had a voice to tell you it would be okay, to call your name, to bring you back from the void into which you had inescapably passed, but I will rejoice to meet you behind the veil of death. It is not my time yet, or so the fates decide, and it may have felt like my love was wasted on you. I'm glad before passing on, you've had my assurance and confession, though it wasn't mutual.

I miss you every day. I wear your cardigan to sleep night by night, a pathetic replacement of your strong, warm arms and wide chest.

I know I will never forget this pain of separation nor forgive the power that sucked your life from us, but I will move on. When you left, a part of me followed you into the darkness. Tomorrow, I'll see you at where they laid you to rest. I'll pay my respects to you. I won't hope for someone to replace you because nobody can, I won't ask for you to come back because it just doesn't work that way.
I've always thought it'll get easier day by day, but it just gets harder and harder missing your voice and touch.

I'll be strong and move on, because I know you'd want me to be. I will learn with baby steps not to mourn your loss but celebrate the life you had, I will learn to remember moments I had with you and not days. I will grief no more.

I miss and love you everyday, my silly dimpled angel. RIP 20.03.2011

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