Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wise (Chinese) words from the Mothership

一、若愛,請深愛。放棄,請徹底。(If you were to love; love wholeheartedly. If you want to leave/give up, do it without any strings attached)

(Waiting, itself is a major mistake. If you can't give up easily then don't; don't be obstinate and persist in what's not meant to be)

二、看的開一點,傷的就會少一點。(Be more open-minded, and you'll be able to lessen the pain)

(If somebody can actually allow you to be sad obviously doesn't give two fucks about your tears. So suck up all that pathetic tears; wash up and live life)

三、許多事情,總是在經歷以後才會懂得, 如感情。(There are a lot of things in life that can only be learnt through experience)

(It is only after it's over and you have regrets, then you realize all these emotional attachments are unnecessary )

四、秋天,殘忍的季節,成熟不成熟的都要 一同收割。(Autumn is the most cruel season of all, regardless of your state of maturity) 
p.s actually I don't quite get this line either. I think it meant something along the lines of growing up quickly because it's a matter of time before you get hurt or fucked over 

一切都會在秋冬交替的剎那間隨風而逝,唯有那一泓鮮亮山溪般的記憶永遠在我心中嘩嘩流動... ...
(Everything will change in the split second autumn transcends into winter, and in that moment is when the memories will come rushing through your heart like a broken dam, forever)

五、珍惜手邊的幸福,不要等到失去以後才 悔不當初。(Cherish the happiness at hand, do not wait until you lose it to treasure it)

(Because it is possible, that one person in the world will put their whole heart and soul up for you)

六、人生就像一列車,車上總有形形色色的 人穿梭往來。(Life is like a train, there's always different people getting on and off)

你也可能會在車上遇到很多有緣分的人,但當車停下來的時候,總會有人從人生這列車上上下下,當你下 去的時候揮揮手,一轉身你能記住的只有回家的路......
(You might be fated to meet certain people, but sometimes when the train pulls up at a station, there is always someone that will leave you/the train. And when it's your turn to get down at your stop, despite the friendship, you will only remember the way home to your family - Family first)

七、有的人你看了一輩子,卻忽視了一 輩子。有的人你看了一眼,卻影響到你的一生。有的人熱情的為你而快樂,卻被你冷落。有的人讓你擁有短暫的開心,卻得到你思緒的連鎖。 有的人一廂情願了N年,卻被你拒絕了N年...... (There are bound to be unrequited love. Some people who walk into your life have the ability to influence your future; some love you passionately, and you may not reciprocate their feelings. There are some people who lighted up your life ever so briefly, but you are more deeply attracted to them than anyone else. There are people who had the wishful thinking of being with you for years, but you'd reject them over and over again)

八、不要欠朋友太多東西,因為你可能 永遠都沒有機會還他...... 經歷過的永遠不會從來,擁有的只有回憶。(Don't owe a friend too many objects/money/favours - because you may never have the chance to repay him/her. What has happened will never happen twice, and all you will have are memories of the moments)

(So friends - treasure everything and everyone around you.)


If your grasp of Chinese is a poor D7 at best, I have put my bilingual skills into use and poorly attempted to translate - albeit shaky and awkward, it does not illustrate my understanding of this passage, which was much deeper than the simple sentence structure I roughly used to convey the message.
It was etched deep into my memory, and I've already practised a few of these "commandments" (such as loving wholeheartedly, not waiting for ex-friends and lovers, not owing too many favours or objects)

It is at this moment I struggled to translate from my native tongue that I realized words do not express thoughts very well, after all. Or maybe it's just my appreciation and fascination in the beauty of Chinese being able to speak an entire story in four words. And my mangled English sentences sounded foolish and distorted, far from the elegance of the original text.

Admittedly this was a chain e-mail my mom forwarded me and not of her personal composition, I found it greatly applicable and decided to share.

I guess I'm just tired of the painful landscape I have woven for my soul, now half-conscious, and I felt like disappearing every morning I awoke and rolled into consciousness. Effexor was no longer helping me to get out of my bed, motivation for school/assessment had turned to ashes, and I realized I was too exhausted and ready to go home.

But... where is this home that I can rest my weary bones?

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