Thursday, April 28, 2011

There are no words left in my system

Except why were you in my bed wasted out of your mind and telling me you still care for me?
Called and woke me up at 4 in the morning and pleaded with me to let you crash at my place because you were hammered and frazzled by new work schedules. Maintained that you just wanted a friendship with me.

Why me?

Why did you kiss me?
Why did you hold my hand?

Why did you give me hope? Why did you make "us" feel real again? Why did you make me like you again?

We are over, aren't we? Oh wait, how could we be over when you've never given us a chance to start?

Then you woke up and left my house it felt like I was losing you all over again but it's okay, I can't lose someone I never had anyway. Fuck this shit

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